When the occasion presents itself, we try and help those families who are seeking better medical care for their children. Kostya is one of those children. Please read the note below from Tatiana and let us know if you would like to help.
Thank you to everyone who helped us!
Because of your help we able to do two operations which were very successful. Now we will go through recovery and rehabilitation. After the first course he will be more confident in standing on his feet. It has such a desire to run and walk independently!
We have a lot more work to Kostya may live a full life and serve our Heavenly Father.
The next course of rehabilitation ahead of us in November 2011. Its cost 250,000 rubles, or 8950 dollars. We already have $ 4,300!I appeal to all who care about the future of Kostya. Your every 100 – $ 200 to help Kostya walk and run on his own! It brings great happiness to us, believe me!
If you are aware of anyone else who might be able to help us, please forward this letter to them.
Thank you very much for your consideration.Sincerely
Tatiana Smirnova